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The emergence of technology is present in almost all areas of our society and naturally of daily life, it does inevitable the use in the educational environment therefore, it requires to think about how can be improved the educational potentials and their adaptation to the everyday.


The introduction of technology has been seen as an innovation project in recent years, which leads to restructure the organization of media, training of teachers and the teacher-student relationship.


Furthermore with the integration of technology in education, students will be encouraged to participate in current technologies and as creators of future technologies because it requires profundity to teach the basics of digital literacy. It is also essential that early age children are interacting with technology, since children acquire different skills to solve problems, analyze ideas, questions, etc. to synthesize information while working in groups or independently.



As mentioned above, it is important to mention about the webquest in educational processes of this century, but this would be even more relevant if this webquest would promote the use of technologies, take issues that motivate students to create their own ideas about technology, therefore, in our work we decided to work the steps of the videos, because currently has covered the topic of the videos but do not give the opportunity to students to develop their own professional video where are demonstrated skills and creativity.



Through the introduction of technology to education is to link all the multimedia aspects, IE: To incorporate images, sounds or videos where certain content which subsequently can be displayed individually or collectively explained. Likewise, the technology provides components such as space, student, teacher, educational content and media that help the student to have a space where appropriates new knowledge, experiences, elements that generate the analysis process, reflection and appropriation of different topics to be discussed. Equally with the planning of the teaching strategies can bring a certain dynamics in relation to the educational components and to get a teaching-learning more meaningful, because the student will motivate to experiment and create new technologies. Likewise, teaching strategies allow that the use of video does not remain simply give a visual message, but it becomes a support tool for the class, which contains clear learning objectives are achieved and correctly.



© 2015 by Tatiana A, Manuela O, Julian O & Karen P. Created with

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